
The Select and Multiselect components offer the user a choice from a configurable set of options in a dropdown. Depending on the type, either exactly one or any amount of options can be selected. A textual search supports the user with finding the right options.

Select vs. Multiselect

The Select and Multiselect differ only in one key aspect. The Select allows the selection of only a single option at most, while the Multiselect allows the selection of as many options as the user likes. Due to this, selected values are visualized differently.

The Multiselect renders all selected options and allows to remove them with one click on the "x" icon. For a convenient selection and deselection of multiple options at once, the Multiselect keeps the dropdown open while selections are made. The dropdown of the Select is closed immediately after an option was selected or deselected.

The "Select type" property turns a Select component into a Multiselect and vice versa. In case of a Multiselect with multiple selected options being turned into a Select, only the first selected option is kept.

Values and labels

Like the native HTML <select>, the values and rendered labels of the options may be different. In the country select examples above, ISO country codes like AU are used as values, while the visualized labels are the full country names like Austria. These values and labels are configured separately in the properties panel with the "Values" and "Labels" properties. Internally, these properties must have the following structure:

interface SelectProperties {
  values: Array<string | number>;
  labels: string[] | Record<string, string>;

The values are a list of all values offered in the dropdown. The options are sorted in the same order as the values in this array. The labels can be an array of strings, and are then matched with the value in the same index. If the labels are provided as a string-to-string mapping, values are matched to labels by looking up the value in that dictionary:

// Values are always an array:
values = [

// Option 1: Define labels by providing a string-array of same length
labels = [
  'United Kingdom',

// Option 2: Define labels as a string-to-string dictionary
labels = {
  AU: 'Austria',
  BE: 'Belgium',
  DE: 'Germany',
  UK: 'United Kingdom',

Option 2 is useful when the values are dynamic. In this case, you can provide the entire dictionary of possible values, regardless of which values are currently offered. Otherwise, you need to make sure that labels are always filtered and sorted in the same way as the values.

The matching of labels to values is performed according to the following rules:

  • null and undefined in values are ignored, i.e. they are removed before matching to labels.

  • If labels are not provided at all, or do not evaluate to either an array or a dictionary, values are used as labels directly.

  • If there are less values than labels, the additional labels are ignored.

  • If there are more values than labels, the values without labels at their matching index are used as labels directly.

  • If labels are provided as dictionary, but a value does not occur as key, that value is used as label directly.

    • Values of type number used as labels are stringified for the key.


The Select components offer the following configuration properties.

PropertyTypeDefault valueBehavior


'left' | 'center' | 'right'


Alignment of the label text next to the select.

Allow empty



Whether the select may have no option selected or not. When set to false, the user will not be able to deselect the last remaining option. It is still possible in this case to clear the select programmatically, and to initialize it without any option in the "Default values" property.

Allow search



When set to true, the select offers to search for options.

Default values

Array<string | number>


Values of the options that should be selected after initial app load. When the reset() API method is called, the selection is reset to the current values of this property. When used with a dynamic JavaScript expression, a change of dependencies updates the selection reactively (learn more about reactivity).




Whether the select should be disabled. When disabled, the component is greyed out and the dropdown cannot be opened.




Text label shown next to the select.


string[] | Record<string, string>

['First', 'Second', 'Third']

Rendered option labels. Learn more



'Select value'

Placeholder shown in the select when no value has been selected yet.




Whether at least one value must be selected when a surrounding form is submitted. Otherwise, form submission is aborted. Learn more about form submission

Select type

'Select' | 'Multiselect'

Depends on chosen component type

Changes the component type to the chosen one. Learn more


Array<string | number>

Numbers from 1 to 10

Option values. Learn more


The Select components offer three UI events:

  • On change run: Action is run whenever the user changes selection. It is not executed when selection is changed programmatically in any way.

  • On focus run: Action is run when the select gains focus.

  • On blur run: Action is run when the select loses focus.

None of the associated actions receive any arguments when triggered.


The Select components expose the following API in the JavaScript runtime environment.

Property / FunctionTypeBehavior


() => void

Deselects all options.



Provides the current boolean value of the "Disabled" property.



Provides the current value of the "Labels" property. No validation is applied, i.e. you receive the raw value, even if it is neither an array nor a dictionary (learn more).


() => void

Sets the selected options to the current value of the "Default values" property.


(value: boolean) => void

Sets the value of the "Disabled" property to the provided boolean value.


(values: Array<string | number | null | undefined> | null) => void

Sets the selected values to the provided array. Values are stored even if they do not appear in the "values" property. This means, that a select may have entries in its selected values which may not be rendered. The select is cleared when null is provided.


(value: string) => void

Sets the selected value to the provided one. Like with setValues, it is not checked whether the provided value appears in the "values" property. The select is cleared when null is provided.


string | number

Provides the selected value, or null in case none is selected. In case multiple options are selected, only the first one is returned.


Array<string | number>

Provides the currently selected values as array. Empty array in case nothing is selected.

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